We have today been informed by British Waterways that work will commence on the upper valve on 4th January. Whilst this work is in progress the lake will be closed and the gate number changed. As soon as the work is completed the code will be reverted to the number on the Newsletter and the lake will be open and hopefully start to refill
Category Archives: Maintenance
Works On The Lake
A meeting took place this morning with a Senior British Waterways Engineer and we were assured that a new Valve had been ordered and repair work was scheduled to start in the new year and should be completed by February. This work will be monitored by British Waterways’ Engineers and a two weekly report sent to Cofton Lake Conservation Ltd.
Meeting with British Waterways
After a meeting with British Waterway’s Engineers, it has now been decided to install a new valve. This work is scheduled to commence on 3rd January and completion should be by 11th February. When this work is complete the lake will be left to re fill and the fish returned.
Water Levels : Aug 2010
Three of the Directors from Cofton Lake Conservation Ltd met British Waterways Engineers at the lake on 18th August to discuss the draining of the lake. A letter is being sent to the Chief Executive of British Waterways to complain about the workmanship of the Engineers who attended the repair work to the valve which seems to once again be causing problems. An update will be posted when a reply is received.
Water Levels : Jul 2010
Some of you may have noticed that the lake has started to be drained down – yet again today!!! Just as it was starting to refill – We are meeting British Waterways tomorrow for yet further discussions – Our web site will be posted with the outcome.