The Rules

These rules supersede those originally published in 2006 and are effective immediately.

In the interests of protecting this valuable conservation area and especially the flora and fauna flourishing therein, Cofton Lake Conservation Ltd. (henceforth referred to as ‘CLC’)


Throughout this document the term ‘the lake area’ refers to the entirety of the 21-acre site including, but not limited to: the expanse of water itself, banks, all surrounding grassland, woodland,hedgerows, fixtures and fittings (i.e. benches, fishing jetties and boathouse) and the area known as ‘Muriel’s Marsh’.

Cofton Lake Conservation Ltd. holds titles to both the original lake area and the recently-acquired area known as ‘Muriel’s Marsh’. Both are registered with HM Land Registry under the Land Registration Act 2002. Members’ access to the lake area is provided by licence of the owners Cofton Lake Conservation Ltd., and is contingent upon members acknowledging these rules and their membership fees being fully paid-up at the time of access.

Membership/share ownership of Cofton Lake Conservation Ltd., and the access rights to the lake area which it affords, does not constitute title (ownership), covenant, freehold, leasehold, tenancy, legal charge, legal estate, rental, rights of way, contingent interest, or grounds for any historic claims of possession (adverse or otherwise) of land or chattels within the lake area.


Membership/share ownership of Cofton Lake Conservation Ltd., is contingent upon the member’s acknowledgement and adherence to the specified boundaries of the lake area. Deliberate encroachment i.e. extensions of gardens beyond the documented boundary into the lake area will result in membership being terminated immediately and the issuing of monetary compensation for any shares purchased, at the prevailing market value. Where deliberate, un-authorised encroachment has occurred the member responsible will be required to re-position any fencing which they have installed in line with the original, documented boundary or boundaries, at their expense and within a period of 30 days since notification. In addition, CLC reserves the right to install a physical barrier to the lake area if it is deemed necessary to prevent un-authorised access. If in doubt, full details of boundaries held by HM Land Registry can be accessed via a request to the CLC Committee.


Membership fees for Cofton Lake Conservation Ltd. are payable annually, each January. Currently membership fees are set at £12.00 per annum, per household. The CLC Committee reserves the right to adjust these fees at any time. Members must ensure that payment is made by the end of January at the latest.

Membership fees for The White Swan Piscatorials are also payable annually, each January. Currently membership fees are set at £15 per annum, per share held, (payable annually in March) for the rights to fish the waters in accordance with the specific rules of The White Swan Piscatorials.


Access to the lake area is permitted only via the main gate or via the adjoining gardens of members/shareholders. An entry code for the main gate padlock is provided to all members/shareholders and is changed annually, usually in March. The updated code is published in the CLC newsletter and can of course, also be obtained from the CLC Committee at any time.

This code must not, under any circumstances, be shared with non-members, including friends and non-resident family members etc.

It is permitted to maintain or create an access route from members / shareholders’ adjoining gardens, including the installation of steps if necessary. Where safe and un-obstructed access does not already exist, a path may be created no greater than 1 metre in width. However, trees and shrubs may not be cut down or significantly reduced in height/volume in order to create such a path without prior permission from the CLC Committee.

All gardens with access to the lake area must incorporate a lockable gate.


Interfering with or removing trees, saplings, shrubs, hedges, plants, borders, etc., is strictly forbidden. The removal, reduction or pollarding of any trees without the prior permission of the CLC Committee is expressly forbidden. Deliberate removal of trees without prior permission from the CLC Committee may result in the perpetrator having to replace the tree with one of the same species, at their cost, or face potential membership termination.

Trees which, through deterioration, falling, or lightning strike, present an imminent danger to users of the lake area should be reported immediately to the CLC Committee, who will deal with the problem as a matter of urgency. Careful inspection of the condition/safety of the trees is undertaken annually by a professional tree surgeon.

Introducing non-native/invasive species of vegetation to the lake area is strictly forbidden. Where brambles and nettles are invading Members’/shareholders’ gardens, from the lake area, an area not exceeding 1 metre from the property’s boundary may be cleared to prevent further ingress.


Under no circumstances whatsoever is there to be pursuit, trapping, killing, or laying of poison. There are species protected by law within the lake area and they and their habitats must not be interfered with in any way. Birds’ eggs and nests must not be removed.

Introducing non-native/invasive species of birds, mammals, or aquatic life to the lake area is strictly forbidden.


Paddling, swimming and the use of any type of marine/amphibious craft, including inflatable ‘li-los’, model boats etc. is not permitted. Dogs are not permitted to enter the water, even if on a long lead.

The launching and flying of drones or any similar, powered, aeronautical device including model aircraft, is not permitted in the skies immediately above the lake area.

Dogs are permitted within the lake area, however, they must be kept on a lead at all times and not be allowed to intimidate other lake users. All dog mess MUST be collected and disposed of OUTSIDE the lake area by the dog owner. Dog waste bins are not provided.

Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied at all times by an adult. Small children should be kept under close supervision -the dangers of very cold, open water should not be under-estimated, however benign it may seem. For the same reason, ball-games are not permitted within the lake area. Members/shareholders are requested not to introduce neighbouring children into the lake area, it is not a suitable or safe environment for un-supervised children to congregate in.

The dumping (‘fly-tipping’) and / or burning of household rubbish or garden waste (green or otherwise) within the lake area is forbidden. Occasional, closely supervised, burning of rubbish by official work parties is undertaken and is the only exception to this rule.

The erection of sheds, summer-houses, greenhouses or any such similar structure is strictly forbidden. As is the permanent installation of garden seating/furniture without prior permission form the CLC Committee.

The lighting and use of barbecues, fires of any type (including, but not limited to: chimeneas, fire pits etc.) and the letting off of fireworks of any description, is strictly forbidden.

The playing of loud music or broadcasting radio and television programmes is also forbidden.

Large social gatherings/celebrations/parties are forbidden also.

The use of the lake area after dark is discouraged as there are significant tripping and other health and safety hazards which may not be visible in the dark.

Members/shareholders’ visitors are permitted to access and enjoy the lake area, but only when accompanied by the aforementioned person(s).

The setting up of temporary structures such as tents, gazebos, windbreaks etc. is forbidden. With the exception of White Swan Piscatorials’ members, some of whom are allowed to fish at night, over-night camping or rough-sleeping is not permitted.

No cycles or motorised cycles, scooters etc. are to be used within the lake area.

Taking cuttings from any form of vegetation and picking wild flowers is forbidden.

However, on occasion, members’ assistance in removing highly invasive vegetation such as Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens Glandulifera) may be requested by the CLC Committee.

Consideration and respect should be given at all times to members of The White Swan Picatorials who are fishing or engaged in maintenance of the site. Respect should also be given to any wildlife encountered during use of the facility.

Air rifles and any other weapons (legal or otherwise), are not permitted within the lake area at any time and for any reason, even if it is for non-lethal use i.e. target shooting.

All Members/shareholders utilise this facility (the ‘lake area’) entirely at their own risk. Cofton Lake Conservation Ltd. cannot be held responsible for any personal injuries, accidents or death resulting from the use of this facility.


Any infringement of these rules or blatant disregard of same will be considered fairly and equitably by the CLC Committee (that which is operational at the time of the infringement) and a decision will be made with respect to any resultant punitive or advisory action to be taken.

Such resultant actions may include termination of membership and the issuing of monetary compensation for any shares purchased, at the prevailing market value. Should membership termination be the ultimate outcome, this will also result in access rights to the lake area being permanently withdrawn (from the date of the CLC Committee’s decision). The decision of the CLC Committee is final.

Notwithstanding any of the above, the CLC Committee reserves the exclusive right to terminate any membership, without prior notice or reason. Decisions made by the CLC Committee are final and non-negotiable.


If any clarification of these rules is required, please do not hesitate to contact the CLC Committee.

UPDATED: December 2023